A logo for dbs meetings events and incentives

DBS Medical Meetings

Discover how we help our clients organize virtual and hybrid meetings without compromising on quality or compliance.

Start Planning
A black and white logo for advocacy solutions.
A black and white logo for accelera canada
A black and white logo for atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
A black and white logo for alexion on a white background.
A black and white logo for chronicle on a white background.

Our Specialties

Experts in virtual & hybrid meetings and health care compliance policies, we work closely with your Medical Affairs team to provide exceptional end-to-end management solutions for all your local, regional or international meetings, conferences and more.

A computer monitor with the words `` virtual & hybrid medical meetings '' on it.

Our Services

A doctor with a stethoscope is talking to a patient on a cell phone.


A blue icon of a clipboard with a pencil , magnifying glass , and arrows.

Meeting Planning
and Logistics

A hand is holding a key in front of a computer screen.

Chair & Attendee

A computer monitor with a pencil on it.

Virtual Meeting Production
and Technology Support

A blue icon of a website with a dollar sign and a calculator.

Contract Management and
Honorarium Payments

A pencil is writing on a piece of paper.

Medical Writing and
Executive Meeting Report

Our Approcah

As your partner we understand that medical meetings are a platform for physicians to exchange information, learn about changes in the industry and apply these learnings to enhance the lives of patients. Our systematic approach to delivering flawlessly executed, high quality, compliant medical meetings is a three step integrated process.

An icon of a gear , a check mark , and a sheet of paper.


Establishing meeting goals, agenda, and flow. Select the right option (Virtual, Hybrid or In-person). Identify workable concepts that are compliant with all relevant pharmaceutical codes of practice.

A light bulb is sitting on top of a cloud next to a check mark.


Develop creative and engaging solutions that will achieve the goals of our clients. Manage the entire event life cycle from start to finish. Ensure a first-class customer experience throughout the planning process.


Dry run with Chair and Presenters. Manage slide deck. Collaborate with production team to achieve flawless execution. Provide onsite technology support. Anticipate and manage contingencies.

Who We Are

Founded in 2007, we are a Boutique Healthcare Meeting & Events Specialist Agency, working primarily in the Life Science industry. An experienced team, with a strong background in medical meetings and events, we share a commitment to excellence and a vision of working as strategic partners with our clients. We have produced several successful face-to-face and virtual events, from small, intimate advisory board meetings to national stand-alone meetings and conference satellite symposiums.

Zilla Dias

Zilla brings to the business over 20+ years of industry experience. Her professional background comprises of digital event strategy, meeting planning, and stakeholder relationship management. She has managed, planned, and delivered a wide range of highly successful in-person and virtual meetings, overseeing the full project life cycle, including advisory boards, investigator meetings, patient and nurse programs, and conferences.

A healthcare event strategist and meeting planning expert with healthcare compliance certification; she has a thorough understanding of the healthcare/pharma landscape in Canada.

A woman wearing a white jacket and a pearl necklace smiles for the camera.

Our goal is to help teams like yours strategize, plan, and implement virtual and hybrid medical programs that benefit physicians and expand marketing opportunities through services that go beyond flawless execution.

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